Q51: What documents are needed when a foreigner becomes a promoter or officer in a Japanese company?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: The required documents for foreigners becoming promoters or officers in a Japanese company vary. The basic documents are as follows.

Q: What documents are needed as a promoter?

A: As a promoter, the following documents are required.
 ・Seal registration certificate (issued within 3 months)
 ・Registry certificate (for corporations)
 ・Registered seal (personal seal)
 ・Bank passbook

Q: How can I obtain a seal registration certificate?

A: Foreigners with an address in Japan can obtain a seal registration certificate. However, if they do not have an address, a signature verification certificate is used instead of a seal registration certificate. A registered seal is also needed.

Q: How long does it take from the registration application to the completion of registration?

A: As an officer, the following documents are required.
 ・Seal registration certificate
 ・Registered seal

Q: What documents are needed for other officers or auditors?

A: For directors and auditors other than the representative director in a joint-stock company with a board of directors, personal identification documents can be submitted to the Legal Affairs Bureau. Personal identification documents include copies of driver's licenses, residency certificates, residency certification documents, or copies of residence cards.