Q49: I heard that personal identification documents need to be submitted to the Legal Affairs Bureau even for officers who do not require a signature verification certificate. Is it okay to submit a copy of the passport?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: A copy of the passport might not be sufficient. When submitting documents to the Legal Affairs Bureau, various documents are required in addition to personal identification.


While a copy of the passport is one of the important documents, other documents also need to be prepared. Specifically, a copy of the residence certificate, seal registration certificate, both sides of the driving license (with original verification by the officer), and both sides of the residence card (with original verification by the officer) are necessary. Additionally, if you are a foreigner, you may need to submit a residence certificate or a signature verification certificate. When submitting a copy of the passport, it is crucial to choose one that is issued with the address stated.