Q39: I have been living in Japan for a long time but am not a Japanese citizen. Can I establish a company in Japan?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: Yes, there are no nationality restrictions when establishing a company in Japan. The important part of the process is submitting the necessary documents. Specifically, you need to have the articles of incorporation notarized by a notary public at a notary office and undergo examination by a registrar at the Legal Affairs Bureau. If you have a registered address, a seal registration certificate is required for submission, but if you do not have an address, a signature verification certificate or similar may be needed.

Q: So, it is possible to establish a company just by living in Japan?

A: Yes, merely living in Japan does not hinder the company establishment process. What's important is preparing the necessary documents for the establishment procedure.

Q: Is the company establishment procedure the same even if my nationality is not Japanese?

A: Yes, the company establishment procedure is the same regardless of nationality. By submitting the required documents to the notary office and the Legal Affairs Bureau, you can establish a company.