Q36: Can foreigners establish a stock company (Kabushiki Kaisha) or a limited liability company (Godo Kaisha) in Japan?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: Yes, they can. There are no nationality requirements for establishing a stock company or a limited liability company. Foreigners can establish a stock company or a limited liability company in Japan. For example, an American can establish a stock company in Japan, and a Chinese national can establish a limited liability company. Not only individuals, but also companies from the USA, China, or any other country can invest in and establish a stock company or a limited liability company in Japan.

Q: Previously, it was required that at least one representative director for a stock company, or a representative member for a limited liability company, must have an address in Japan. What is the current situation?

A: That restriction was abolished in March 2015. This means that all representative directors or representative members can be foreigners, and they can all reside outside Japan and still establish a company.

Q: What procedures are required for a foreigner to establish a company in Japan?

A: When a foreigner establishes a company in Japan, the capital must first be transferred to an account at a financial institution. Therefore, at least one representative director or member must have an account with a Japanese financial institution. After establishing the company, to conduct business, obtaining a "Business Manager" visa is necessary. Additionally, the establishment procedures require a seal registration certificate or a signature verification certificate. It is important to seek advice from professionals regarding these procedures.