Q33:I heard that Japan and Taiwan do not have formal diplomatic relations. Can a Taiwanese seal registration certificate be used for the establishment and registration of a Japanese corporation or branch?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: Yes, it can be used. Taiwan, like Japan, has a culture of using seals, and a Taiwanese seal registration certificate can be used for registration applications in Japan. However, it's important to check in advance as additional documents may be required.

Q: What other documents are needed when using a Taiwanese seal registration certificate?

A: When becoming a director or representative director of a corporation, it's necessary to attach the seal registration certificate. Additionally, the validity period and issuance details of the seal registration certificate may vary depending on the notary office or Legal Affairs Bureau to which it is submitted, so caution is needed. Normally, a Japanese translation of the document is also required.

Q: What information is included in a Taiwanese seal registration certificate?

A: A Taiwanese seal registration certificate includes items similar to those in Japan, but sometimes additional documents different from Japanese requirements may be needed.