Q30: Is it sufficient to only create a representative seal for a corporation?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: While only a representative seal is necessary for corporate registration, creating a square seal and a bank seal can help reduce the company's risk.

Q: How should the representative seal, square seal, and bank seal be used differently if created?

A: The representative seal is used only on important documents like contracts and functions as the official seal. On the other hand, the square seal is stamped on invoices and purchase orders, serving as a recognition seal. The bank seal is used as the notification seal for opening bank accounts and is also stamped on checks, among other things.

Q: Why is there a need to create seals other than the representative seal?

A: Using the representative seal on all documents increases the risk of forgery and misuse. Therefore, by differentiating between the representative seal and other seals such as the square seal and bank seal for acknowledgment purposes, it's possible to prevent misuse. Additionally, it's important for officers or authorized persons to manage the seals.