Q28: What kind of seals are necessary when establishing a company in Japan?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: When establishing a corporation or branch in Japan and registering it, preparing and registering a representative seal at the registry office is essential. According to Article 20 of the Commercial Registration Law, the person stamping the application for registration must submit their seal to the registry office in advance.

Other than the representative seal

Legally, creating a square seal (角印) or a bank seal (銀行印) is optional, but it is recommended to prepare these seals as well to facilitate smooth company operations. The square seal is used for general documents, while the bank seal is necessary for transactions with financial institutions.

Seal registration certificate

After submitting the corporation's representative seal to the registry office, a seal registration certificate may be required. This certificate is issued by the Legal Affairs Bureau and is used to prove the legitimacy of various legal actions taken by the corporation.


When establishing a corporation or setting up a branch in Japan, creating and registering a representative seal is an important first step. In addition to the representative seal, preparing a square seal and a bank seal can make daily operations more efficient. Proper preparation of these items enables formal activities as a corporation and enhances business credibility.