Q14: What is the best form of market entry if a foreign company wants to conduct business in Japan without disclosing its information?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: In such cases, establishing a Japanese corporation is generally appropriate.

Q: When establishing a Japanese corporation, is there no need to disclose the parent company's information?

Yes, for a Japanese corporation, there is no requirement to disclose the parent company's information. Even if the parent company is a foreign enterprise, the Japanese corporation is treated as an independent legal entity.

Q: How is the shareholder information of a Japanese corporation handled?

Shareholder information for a Japanese corporation is recorded in the shareholder register but is not generally made public. The shareholder register is accessible only within a limited scope to shareholders and creditors and is not publicly disclosed.

Q:How about in the case of a Japanese branch?

A Japanese branch is part of a foreign company and must disclose significant information about the foreign company as part of it. This information, including the foreign company's trade name, head office location, capital amount, and officers, is also listed in the registry documents.