Q53: Can you tell me about the methods of public notice that need to be decided when establishing a company in Japan?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: The method of public notice refers to how a company publicly notifies shareholders, creditors, and other third parties. Specifically, there are options such as "publication in the Official Gazette," "publication in a daily newspaper," and "electronic public notice." It is necessary to choose an appropriate method from among these.

Q: What are the characteristics of each public notice method?

A: First, the "publication in the Official Gazette" method uses the official gazette issued by the government, allowing for the wide dissemination of important company information. Next, the "publication in a daily newspaper" method involves placing notices in daily papers such as The Nikkei, which can widely spread company information. Lastly, "electronic public notice" is a method of publishing information through the internet, which can be relatively cost-effective and efficient in conveying information.

Q: What should be considered when deciding on a company's public notice method?

A: It is important to select an appropriate public notice method that suits the nature, content, and objectives of the company. Additionally, as public notice methods differ in terms of cost, efficiency of information transmission, and the scope of information disclosure, these factors should be considered when making a selection.