Q52: Is it necessary to have a personal bank account in Japan to establish a company, and is it possible for an individual who does not reside in Japan to open an account?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: In principle, it is difficult for non-residents of Japan to open a bank account. A promoter's bank account is needed at the time of company establishment, but it is challenging for individuals who do not reside in Japan to open an account.

Q: How then can the issue of needing a personal bank account at the time of company establishment be resolved?

A: The principle is to use the bank account of a promoter for the deposit of capital at the time of company establishment. However, if the promoter does not have a usable account, it is possible to use the account of a director at the time of establishment or the representative director at the time of establishment. Moreover, when it is clear at the time of application for company registration that all parties involved do not have an address in Japan, the use of a third party's account is also permitted.