Q8: I'm concerned about the legal risks involved in deciding whether to establish a Japanese corporation, branch, or representative office. Can you tell me about the legal risks associated with each?

Japanese Certified Public Accountant ・Tax Accountant Hiroya Aihara
Ringo Tax Corporation

A: For a Japanese corporation, the liability is limited to the amount of investment, so the risk from the parent company's perspective can be considered limited. On the other hand, the liability for a Japanese branch and representative office is unlimited, which might seem to pose a greater risk from the parent company's perspective.

For a Japanese Corporation

・The Japanese corporation bears primary responsibility towards creditors.
・The parent company, as the investor, has liability limited to the amount of its investment.

For a Japanese Branch

The Japanese branch is part of the foreign corporation, which bears full responsibility towards creditors, meaning there is no limit to the liability from the parent company's perspective.

For a Representative Office

・The representative office, also part of the foreign corporation, bears unlimited liability.

Thus, there are differences in the scope of liability between a Japanese corporation and branches/representative offices, necessitating appropriate risk management.